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Marvix Solutions

Analyzing User Behavior

Knowing how visitors interact with your site is vital to establishing a solid CRO. Utilize tools such as Google Analytics to identify areas that improved and possible roadblocks in the funnel of conversion.


A/B Testing

A/B testing involves the creation of multiple pages for testing to see which one performs better. By experimenting with various elements, such as headlines, colours, layouts and calls to action, you can determine the most efficient combination for increasing conversions.


Optimizing Website Speed

The speed of your website plays a major impact on user experience and conversion rates. Ensure your site's loading speed is optimized to provide a smooth and seamless browsing experience while reducing the chance of users bouncing off your website.


Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA)

Design clear and convincing CTAs that direct users to what they seek. Use action-oriented language to create urgency and ensure your CTA on your site's pages.


Streamlining the Checkout Process

If you own an e-commerce site, optimizing the checkout process is crucial. Reduce the number of steps, reduce field fields and offer various payment options to decrease friction and improve conversion rates.


Transparent Reporting

we offer regular reports and insight that keep you updated on the progress and results of your CRO campaign.

Conversion Rate Optimization is an essential element of every successful online company. When you partner with Marvix Solutions, you gain access to the most advanced expertise in the industry with innovative strategies and a team dedicated to helping you achieve outstanding outcomes.

Discover the full potential of your website, and boost conversions and revenue growth by utilising Marvix Solutions Contact us now to start on the road to CRO success.

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01.  Item One

03.  Item Three

02.  Item Two

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Conertion rate Optimization

Business Analysis &
Goal Setting

 Understand the business model, target audience, and USPs of Marvix Solutions. Conduct stakeholder interviews, review business KPIs, and define what conversions mean for the business. It could be from submissions, sales, downloads, etc.

Data Collection & User Behavior Analysis

Get a clear picture of how users interact with the website. Utilise tools like Google Analytics to collect user behaviour data, identify high and low-performing pages, set up heatmaps and session recordings to observe user patterns, and track exit and bounce rates.

User Experience (UX) & Usability Evaluation

Identify areas of friction or obstacles on the website. Conduct UX audits, run usability testing sessions, collect feedback through user surveys, and use A/B testing tools to compare different website versions.

Hypothesis Creation & Prioritization

Develop data-driven ideas to test. Based on the insights gathered, form hypotheses on how to improve conversion rates. Prioritise these hypotheses based on potential impact and ease of implementation using a framework like PIE (Potential, Importance, Ease).

Test Implementation
& Monitoring

Validate hypotheses through controlled experiments. Using A/B testing tools, create variations of web pages or elements and direct a portion of the traffic to each. Monitor performance metrics, ensuring tests run long enough to achieve statistical significance.

Analysis & Continuous Improvement

Review test results and implement the winning changes. Analyse A/B test outcomes, determine if results are statistically significant, implement winning variations, and continuously cycle back to step 2 for ongoing optimization.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Maximizing the efficiency of your website or online platform. 

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